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Self-paced course: How to stop caring what people think

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Critical self-talk? Constantly over-analyzing? Addicted to approval? Endless compare and despair?

You’re in the right place.

I’m Katie Stolp. As a Master Certified Coach, with a practice grounded in cognitive psychology and science-based solutions, I help women let go of self-defeating thoughts, believe in their strengths, and breakthrough to authentic confidence in their careers and lives.

Transform self-critical thoughts

Transform self-critical thoughts

Learn to love yourself

Develop lasting self-confidence

Develop lasting self-confidence

Experience life in the biggest way

Let go of the fear & shame that holds you back

Let go of the fear & shame that holds you back

Look forward and create

Drop the people-pleasing behaviors

Drop the people-pleasing behaviors

Be authentically you

Critical self-talk? Constantly over-analyzing? Addicted to approval? Endless compare and despair?

You’re in the right place.

I’m Katie Stolp. As a Master Certified Coach, with a practice grounded in cognitive psychology and science-based solutions, I help women let go of self-defeating thoughts, believe in their strengths, and breakthrough to authentic confidence in their careers and lives.

Transform self-critical thoughts

Transform self-critical thoughts

Learn to love yourself

Develop lasting self-confidence

Develop lasting self-confidence

Experience life in the biggest way

Let go of the fear & shame that holds you back

Let go of the fear & shame that holds you back

Look forward and create

Drop the people-pleasing behaviors

Drop the people-pleasing behaviors

Be authentically you


I wasn’t sure what coaching would be like but from the minute we started, there was a natural flow that has led down countless paths of awareness, insight, and growth. Katie has helped me see myself, know myself, and believe in myself. My mind, ego, and heart have been witnessed and cared for in a way I have never experienced before. Working with Katie will change your life — it is what you have been waiting for and what you didn’t even know you needed and wanted.




Katie has been able to completely change my thought patterns, my habits, and my views on self-confidence. She is as authentic as it gets and is not afraid to challenge you to bring out the inner badass you really are. I highly recommend working with Katie, especially if you're looking to train your mind and that voice in your head that we hear from more than anyone else.




I truly trust Katie's motivations and insights. She is giving, encouraging, and kind. Katie is re-igniting within myself the power I possess to realize my purpose. I highly recommend her for anyone seeking sound guidance around a professional or personal "leveling up!"

Charlotte M.



Katie was the most incredible coach and helped me evolve into a version of myself I absolutely love. My relationships with colleagues, family, and friends have dramatically improved. I feel clear, happier, and more focused. Most importantly, I have learned about true, authentic self-love, which is HUGE for me.

Charlotte R.



Katie took me to new levels of self-confidence and performance after feeling beat up from the corporate world. I was a classic overthinker and people-pleaser, and struggled with self-doubt. I now feel this inner strength I've been missing for years. I'm at my best again. Thank you, Katie! She’s a lot of fun too!




I had been stuck in a holding pattern and needed to get out of my head. I implemented Katie's coaching right away and noticed a huge difference in how I became more patient and accepting of myself. I started taking action toward creating the life I wanted from a place of confidence and certainty. I now see myself, as well as my company, as a 3.0 version rather than stuck at 1.0.




I trust Katie. I can tell her anything and she never judges me. Our work has been challenging but I love it. My relationships have transformed. My Dad no longer has control over how I feel and act, but most importantly I’m confident, I know I’m worthy, and I realize I’m a catch. I've learned to love myself, something I never thought possible.




Feeling stuck? Overwhelmed? Insecure? I’ve got you. Here’s a FREE mini-course to help you stop spinning and regain control of your life in a matter of minutes.

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Stop Caring What Other People Think

This self-paced course will help you regain control of your life. Feel secure and confident no matter what.

Block above is the CTA for “How to Stop Caring What People Think”. MOBILE. HIDDEN.


Feeling stuck? Overwhelmed? Insecure? I’ve got you. Here’s a FREE mini-course to help you stop spinning and regain control of your life in a matter of minutes.

Play video

Stop Caring What Other People Think

This self-paced course will help you regain control of your life. Feel secure and confident no matter what.

Block above is the CTA for “How to Stop Caring What People Think”. DESKTOP. HIDDEN.

About Me

I spent more than two decades struggling with confidence and feeling like I was never enough until I found solutions that finally worked for good. Now, I’m on a mission to help other women breakthrough to authentic confidence, live their best lives and change the world. Think of me as a supportive, non-judgmental friend who gives great guidance and teaches you how to act on it. It often takes someone outside our own mind to help see things we can’t see ourselves. We’ll create lasting results that will change your life. Why? Because you are capable of so much more than you think.

About Me

I spent more than two decades struggling with confidence and feeling like I was never enough until I found solutions that finally worked for good. Now, I’m on a mission to help other women breakthrough to authentic confidence, live their best lives and change the world. Think of me as a supportive, non-judgmental friend who gives great guidance and teaches you how to act on it. It often takes someone outside our own mind to help see things we can’t see ourselves. We’ll create lasting results that will change your life. Why? Because you are capable of so much more than you think.
Your worth is not tied to your emotions. 

When you feel bad, there’s no reason to beat yourself up, wish it was different, or avoid the feeling. Doing so only amplifies the negativity. It’s not useful. 

Your emotions want to be heard. They’re carrying valuable information. 

I wonder, what’s it like to truly listen to yourself? 

Consider Rumi’s wisdom in his poem “The Guest House.” 

‘This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

meet them at the door laughing,

and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.’

- Rumi 

If you weren’t judging your emotions, what do you think they’re trying to tell you? A #coach can #help 🩵
You can’t be apathetic and create major change. 

Take your goals seriously—present them to yourself with conviction. If you’re indecisive, your survival brain will take over. It’s designed to keep you safe, prioritizing comfort over happiness. That means it wants you to avoid risk and any chance of failure or judgment 😬

To achieve what you truly want in life, you must override that instinctual programming 🧠

Sometimes we’re too close to the problem to see the way out. That’s where a #coach comes in. If you’re curious about how coaching can #help, send me a direct message. It’s taking a #bold first step toward the life you deserve 🙌
Many times, the appreciation, respect, and validation we crave from others are the very things we aren’t giving ourselves.

You first. 

When you learn to give yourself the appreciation and support you seek, you stop letting outside forces dictate your worth. 

I’m on a mission to help #women stop chasing approval and start trusting themselves. 

Join hundreds of others who’ve learned how to build unshakeable #confidence from the inside out. Send me a message to get on my waitlist for private #coaching. 💜
Remember, if we want something new, we have to give up our old way of being. 

I’m currently accepting applications for fall #coaching. If you’re ready to feel less stressed and more in control of your life, click on ‘Let’s work together’ at the link in my bio 🩵
How is your criticism of others helping you? 

Does it change or fix anything? 

If not, consider releasing those judgments as often as possible. 

When we continually find fault in others, it can become an unhealthy cycle of negativity that affects our own mindset. 

We get so focused on what’s wrong our thoughts turn into patterns, almost like tunnel vision.

We can start to feel disempowered and, in turn, may disempower those around us.

What can you think about this person that won’t take up so much of your time, energy, and mental space?

What’s in your control? 

What do you want to focus on instead?

Don’t give power to others over your own life. I can show you how. ♥️
Many of us learn from a young age that we need to fit in, please everyone else, and blend into the group. 

As we get older, that early conditioning can lead us to play small and live for others, ignoring our unique gifts. 

Staying true to yourself can feel uncomfortable at first—like stepping into the spotlight after years of standing in the shadows. But that discomfort doesn’t mean it’s wrong. It means you’re working through decades of old programming. 

Be patient and gentle with yourself. 

Keep asking, “Does this feel true to me?” ⚡️

As you keep moving toward yourself, your confidence will grow, and you’ll attract opportunities and relationships that resonate with your genuine self. 

Keep advocating for you 🙌 You got this, babe 🩵
Perfectionists are scared people and I was one of them 😬

I’d worry about being judged or rejected, and that fear drained my time, energy, and mental space.

Even though I knew my perfectionism was holding me back, I couldn’t break free. 

Watch the video to find out what finally helped me move forward 🙌
Don’t let your inner-critic decide who you are. 

Remember, that inner-voice is offering one viewpoint of so many others. 

Watch the video to get some fresh perspectives when you’re being hard on yourself. 🙌
If authority figures imposed discipline upon us as a punitive practice, it’s no wonder we may resist it later in life. 

But the truth is, there’s a kind of magic in consistently showing up for ourselves. 

It’s how we develop mastery, take big leaps, and gain a deeper understanding of who we are.

What if we relearned discipline as an ally, an act of self-love that helps us reach our highest potential?

For me, infusing pleasure and playfulness into my routines and time management made a big difference. 

I allow myself to feel whatever emotions come up and often ride the wave of resistance. 

It’s possible to set goals and be gentle with ourselves along the way. 

How can you find more satisfaction in showing up for yourself every day? 🩵
How you think about your day determines your day. 

My old narrative used to go something like this:

“I’m so behind; there’s never enough time. How will I ever get all of this done?”

I didn’t realize that this self-talk wasn’t just harmless venting—it was setting the tone and driving my emotions for the day.

Imagine if your inner dialogue shifted to something like this:

“Let’s focus on one thing at a time. I’ll do the best I can today. Nice job—what’s next?”

We all have a lot on our plates, but don’t make it harder by not being on your own side. How can you think about your day in a way that serves you?

Staying overwhelmed keeps your mind busy and stalls your #progress. If you’re #ready to become the boss of your emotions and get more done, DM me to get on my waitlist for private #coaching. 🙌

I help high-achieving women care less about what others think and own their power.

Are you ready to take your career, relationships, and life to the next level?