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Self-paced course: How to stop caring what people think

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Critical self-talk? Constantly over-analyzing? Addicted to approval? Endless compare and despair?

You’re in the right place.

I’m Katie Stolp. As a Master Certified Coach, with a practice grounded in cognitive psychology and science-based solutions, I help women let go of self-defeating thoughts, believe in their strengths, and breakthrough to authentic confidence in their careers and lives.

Transform self-critical thoughts

Transform self-critical thoughts

Learn to love yourself

Develop lasting self-confidence

Develop lasting self-confidence

Experience life in the biggest way

Let go of the fear & shame that holds you back

Let go of the fear & shame that holds you back

Look forward and create

Drop the people-pleasing behaviors

Drop the people-pleasing behaviors

Be authentically you

Critical self-talk? Constantly over-analyzing? Addicted to approval? Endless compare and despair?

You’re in the right place.

I’m Katie Stolp. As a Master Certified Coach, with a practice grounded in cognitive psychology and science-based solutions, I help women let go of self-defeating thoughts, believe in their strengths, and breakthrough to authentic confidence in their careers and lives.

Transform self-critical thoughts

Transform self-critical thoughts

Learn to love yourself

Develop lasting self-confidence

Develop lasting self-confidence

Experience life in the biggest way

Let go of the fear & shame that holds you back

Let go of the fear & shame that holds you back

Look forward and create

Drop the people-pleasing behaviors

Drop the people-pleasing behaviors

Be authentically you


I wasn’t sure what coaching would be like but from the minute we started, there was a natural flow that has led down countless paths of awareness, insight, and growth. Katie has helped me see myself, know myself, and believe in myself. My mind, ego, and heart have been witnessed and cared for in a way I have never experienced before. Working with Katie will change your life — it is what you have been waiting for and what you didn’t even know you needed and wanted.




Katie has been able to completely change my thought patterns, my habits, and my views on self-confidence. She is as authentic as it gets and is not afraid to challenge you to bring out the inner badass you really are. I highly recommend working with Katie, especially if you're looking to train your mind and that voice in your head that we hear from more than anyone else.




I truly trust Katie's motivations and insights. She is giving, encouraging, and kind. Katie is re-igniting within myself the power I possess to realize my purpose. I highly recommend her for anyone seeking sound guidance around a professional or personal "leveling up!"

Charlotte M.



Katie was the most incredible coach and helped me evolve into a version of myself I absolutely love. My relationships with colleagues, family, and friends have dramatically improved. I feel clear, happier, and more focused. Most importantly, I have learned about true, authentic self-love, which is HUGE for me.

Charlotte R.



Katie took me to new levels of self-confidence and performance after feeling beat up from the corporate world. I was a classic overthinker and people-pleaser, and struggled with self-doubt. I now feel this inner strength I've been missing for years. I'm at my best again. Thank you, Katie! She’s a lot of fun too!




I had been stuck in a holding pattern and needed to get out of my head. I implemented Katie's coaching right away and noticed a huge difference in how I became more patient and accepting of myself. I started taking action toward creating the life I wanted from a place of confidence and certainty. I now see myself, as well as my company, as a 3.0 version rather than stuck at 1.0.




I trust Katie. I can tell her anything and she never judges me. Our work has been challenging but I love it. My relationships have transformed. My Dad no longer has control over how I feel and act, but most importantly I’m confident, I know I’m worthy, and I realize I’m a catch. I've learned to love myself, something I never thought possible.




Feeling stuck? Overwhelmed? Insecure? I’ve got you. Here’s a FREE mini-course to help you stop spinning and regain control of your life in a matter of minutes.

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Stop Caring What Other People Think

This self-paced course will help you regain control of your life. Feel secure and confident no matter what.

Block above is the CTA for “How to Stop Caring What People Think”. MOBILE. HIDDEN.


Feeling stuck? Overwhelmed? Insecure? I’ve got you. Here’s a FREE mini-course to help you stop spinning and regain control of your life in a matter of minutes.

Play video

Stop Caring What Other People Think

This self-paced course will help you regain control of your life. Feel secure and confident no matter what.

Block above is the CTA for “How to Stop Caring What People Think”. DESKTOP. HIDDEN.

About Me

I spent more than two decades struggling with confidence and feeling like I was never enough until I found solutions that finally worked for good. Now, I’m on a mission to help other women breakthrough to authentic confidence, live their best lives and change the world. Think of me as a supportive, non-judgmental friend who gives great guidance and teaches you how to act on it. It often takes someone outside our own mind to help see things we can’t see ourselves. We’ll create lasting results that will change your life. Why? Because you are capable of so much more than you think.

About Me

I spent more than two decades struggling with confidence and feeling like I was never enough until I found solutions that finally worked for good. Now, I’m on a mission to help other women breakthrough to authentic confidence, live their best lives and change the world. Think of me as a supportive, non-judgmental friend who gives great guidance and teaches you how to act on it. It often takes someone outside our own mind to help see things we can’t see ourselves. We’ll create lasting results that will change your life. Why? Because you are capable of so much more than you think.
There’s a kind of magic in showing up for ourselves. 

You can set goals and still be gentle with yourself along the way. 

Giving yourself a personal goal gives your brain something to focus on - our brains need some direction and supervision, or else that focus goes to social media, TV, or whatever’s easiest. 

Here are some questions to help you set a personal goal: 

 - What would make you feel proud of yourself?
 - What feels exciting but also a bit intimidating? 
 - What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t?
 - What’s one small change you could make that would have a big impact? 
 - What’s something you’ve been putting off that you know you should do? 

What you learn and who you become as you pursue your goal are often more valuable than the result itself.

If you want #support, consider hiring a #lifecoach. It’s another #opportunity to show up for you. 🧡
Ever feel like you’re always chasing the next thing—more success, more validation, more proof that you’re worthy?

That’s the hustle trap. And it’s exhausting.

We tell ourselves: I’ll feel good enough when…

- I lose the weight.
- I land the promotion.
- I find the right relationship.

But that mindset keeps moving the finish line. Every time you get there, a new “there” appears. 

If you’re measuring your worth by external achievements, you’ll feel like you’re falling short often.

So how do you break the cycle?

✅ Recognize the pattern – Notice when your thoughts sound like “I should be better” or “I’m not enough.” That’s the hustle trap talking.

✅ Shift from self-judgment to self-acceptance – Instead of I need to be better, try, “it’s possible I’m enough now.” Growth is just a choice, not a requirement for worthiness.

✅ Make decisions from self-trust, not self-doubt – When you believe in your own worth, you stop asking, “What do I need to do to be better?” and start asking, “What do I want to do?”

Remember, you don’t have to earn your worth—it’s already yours. The sooner you believe that, the freer (and more successful) you’ll be. 🙌
You are not defined by one moment, one decision, or one mistake. You are a full, messy, beautifully human work in progress.

When guilt or shame creeps in, it’s a signal that something matters to you. The key is to listen to that signal without letting it weigh you down.

Here’s how to move forward:

  1. Acknowledge what happened without judgment

Instead of spiraling into self-criticism, simply notice: “I’m feeling guilty because I snapped at my partner.” No excuses, no justifications—just awareness.

  2. Remind Yourself: I’m Still Good, Even Though…

Perfection isn’t the goal—growth is. Say it out loud: “I’m still good, even though I lost my patience.” “I’m still good, even though I made a bad decision.” Because you are.

  3. Turn It Into a Lesson, Not a Life Sentence

Ask yourself: What do I want to do differently next time? That’s where the power is. Not in punishing yourself, but in learning and moving forward.

Your worth isn’t up for debate just because you’re human. Mistakes don’t erase your goodness—they remind you that you care.

What’s one “I’m still good, even though…” you need to tell yourself today? ♥️
The people and events in your life don’t have as much power over you as you think.

It’s not what happens—it’s the story you tell yourself about it.

To free yourself from unnecessary stress, focus only on the facts (things everyone would agree are true). Everything else is a story you’re crafting. 

That story is the lens through which you see everything. It determines how you feel, how you act, what you say and don’t say, your tone, what you notice.

Ask yourself: Is my current interpretation helping me move forward or keeping me stuck? 

It’s not about positive thinking, it’s about deliberate thinking.

Coaching isn’t about avoiding discomfort—it’s about facing it, growing through it, and strengthening yourself. If you’re ready for that kind of #growth, sign up for a free consult at the link in my bio and let’s talk! 💪♥️
Shifting from a victim mentality to one of #empowerment has been a game-changer for me.

You know you’re stuck in victim mode when you feel helpless, blame others, become easily offended, complain often, and are resistant to change.

Victim mentality is a well-practiced belief #pattern – nothing’s wrong with you. It’s a way of thinking you can shift.

Consider taking a more #active role in your life. Start by asking yourself: 

 - What actions can I take to regain a sense of control?
 - What are solutions to my problem? Give yourself several possibilities. 
 - How can I start advocating for myself? And then for others? 

Steer your life in the direction you desire. You have much more control than you think. 
Sometimes we’re too close to the problem to see our way out. If you’d like help to stop blaming others and start empowering yourself, DM me to get on my waitlist for private #coaching.
It’s human nature to want validation from others.

Since we were kids, we’ve been seeking approval from our teachers, our parents, our peers. 

It’s no wonder we often think something’s wrong when we don’t receive it. 

But what if nothing has gone wrong? 

It’s not really someone else’s job to make you feel good - it’s yours. 

We have to learn to give ourselves the approval we’re seeking. 

When you manage your emotional life internally, you stop giving external things power over how you feel.

Learn how to love yourself and have your own back, even when others can’t. 

I help #women build a #safe, nurturing, and loving place from within, so no matter what happens, they always know their way back #home.
Indecision is the biggest waste of time. 

Making decisions isn’t just about choosing between options; it’s about taking control of your life and actively shaping your future.

Some decisions lead to #success and others provide valuable #lessons - you’ll either win or you’ll learn. 

When you delay a decision, you sacrifice all the time you spend in limbo - you’ll never get that back. 

A question that helps me when it comes to decision-making is, “is the best-case scenario worth the worst-case scenario? 

Decisions propel your life forward. Let’s get in the #habit of making more of them.

What #decision can you make today? 💪
We all have things from our past that we wish would’ve gone differently.

I used to regret and beat myself up over parts of my past; I’d overanalyze and spin in negativity or shame.

I finally realized my past can’t be different, and wishing otherwise only compounded the emotional burden.

How can you think about your past in a way that serves you presently?

What if your past helped you be more understanding of others with similar struggles?

Or taught you to stand up for what you believe in?

How are you stronger, wiser, and more resilient, thanks to those earlier lessons?

I help women make #peace with their past so they can create a more #empowering and fulfilling #future. ♥️
I’m traveling this week (check my stories to see where) and sharing more favorite reels. 💕

There’s no emotion you can’t handle. 

You are stronger than you realize. 

Think about how much you avoid because you’re afraid of how it might make you feel.

What would your life look like if you were willing to experience any emotion?

You might take more risks, make bolder decisions, or let go of the need for approval.

The truth is I feel pain, loss, fear, limitation, and doubt often.

But I’ve learned not to see these feelings as problems. 

Instead, I remind myself it’s okay and normal to feel them - it’s all part of being a human. 

I’ll sit with the feeling, open up to it, and try not to judge myself.

Feeling bad or uncomfortable is manageable; it’s our resistance and avoidance that causes the real suffering. 

When we open up to our feelings, we gain authority over them, instead of allowing them to control us. 

Emotional #resilience is one of the many skills I teach to empower #women to lead bigger and more fulfilling lives. 

Message me to get on my waitlist for private #coaching 💕
Unspoken expectations are a fast path to disappointment. 

We all want to be seen without explaining, but relying on others to guess what we need is a gamble with our own happiness. 

Why do we expect others to read our minds?

 - We fear rejection. Asking for what we want means risking a “no” or feeling like we’re a burden. But in reality, most people are grateful to know how to show up for you.

 - We romanticize the idea of being deeply understood. We think “If they really loved me, they’d just know.” But love isn’t a guessing game. Real connection thrives on open communication, not silent tests.

 - We doubt our worth. Sometimes, it’s not even about others—it’s about us believing and knowing that our needs matter.

When you stop expecting people to read your mind, you take a huge step forward. You stop relying on them to guess and start asking for what you want. That’s where real connection begins. 💕

I help high-achieving women care less about what others think and own their power.

Are you ready to take your career, relationships, and life to the next level?