Sometimes I’m so busy with life, I forget to pause and be present.
I get too focused on what’s wrong in the world or what could be better in my life. Eventually, those thoughts turn into patterns, almost like tunnel vision.
Focusing on what’s wrong can become a subconscious habit that keeps us from seeing the good right in front of our faces.
But like any habit, we can break it. Our minds just need some supervision and direction. Without it, you’ll likely get stuck in blame and see everything as happening to you.
Here’s something you can try today – spend time wanting what you already have.
Write down ten things you really want that you already have. If it’s hard, that’s good. It means you haven’t flexed this part of your brain in a while.
Your mind looks for evidence to prove your current beliefs true every day. When you can think deliberately from a place of abundance you’ll get the results you want faster.