Often our inner critic is so familiar that we don’t even notice how much it disempowers us. We must learn to stand up for ourselves because it can turn into an inner abuse.
Our brains naturally scan for what’s wrong or bad to keep us alive. It’s easier to notice and remember our losses than our wins.
The negative emotion stops feeling wrong, and you see it for what it is: a normal part of being a human. No matter where you are, life will always be a mixed bag of emotions.
Your self-talk patterns aren’t just harmless observations; they’re the drivers of your emotional life. Develop an inner BS detector for your own sake.
We’re constantly absorbing messages about living seemingly perfect lives, so it's easy to beat ourselves up and focus on what's wrong rather than what's right.
I reflected on why so many of us suffer from imposter syndrome, anxiety, and low confidence. But the real question is how could we not?
Remember what exists within you, exists within all of us – it’s just different degrees and variations.
Evaluating your thoughts from a place of curiosity, interest, and change helps reveal your relationship with yourself. You can make that relationship exactly what you want it to be.
I started to rely on others’ opinions to feel good about myself, leaving me in a continuous state of trying to please them. What I thought they wanted became more important than what I wanted.
I remember wishing other people believed in me more. I thought if only my boss, or my partner, or my family believed in me, then I’d have more courage to reach my goals.