I remember wishing other people believed in me more. I thought if only my boss, or my partner, or my family believed in me, then I’d have more courage to reach my goals.
When you look for your own happiness from things outside of you, you become dependent on those things. When you find happiness internally, you become independent.
Like learning how to drive a car or tie your shoes, the skills I teach in my coaching program become habitual.
Doing hard things makes me more of the person I want to become.
Focusing on what’s wrong can become a subconscious habit that keeps us from seeing the good right in front of us.
I used to protect my heart fiercely. Not many people got close to it – not truly. I was afraid of being hurt or rejected or disappointed. I was afraid of being vulnerable.
I’ve realized no matter who I am, what I do, or what I look like, people will always judge me.
This month, I’m one year without alcohol, and I’m not going back.
I turn 38-years-old today. Since I spent the first 18 years (mostly) following my parents and schools' expectations, I consider today the 20th anniversary of figuring out life on my own.
When you rely on other people’s opinions to make you feel assured, you’re relying on something that isn’t really yours, and eventually, you’ll get knocked off your pedestal.