You don’t have to rely on others to behave a certain way to feel good – it’s an inside job. I can show you how.
That rule book we carry around for how other people should behave so we can feel better – it doesn’t work. What if you dropped it, and let people be exactly who they are? Focus on what you can control: yourself, your response, and making the best life you can.
How much of your current life is your idea? Are you okay with that? You may be stuck in a pattern of living for others. It’s when you often feel obligated to do things, and it’s at your own expense.
We set up these rules in our minds that other people should follow, and when they don’t, we ‘punish’ them by withholding love. But we end up punishing ourselves.
A lot of our pain comes from an attachment to how we think the world should be — we carry around ‘rules’ for how other people should behave so we feel better.
When setting boundaries, people or circumstances don’t have to change. What changes is your response.
Online dating is a lot of contact with judgment and rejection. Here's why that's a good thing.
I used to protect my heart fiercely. Not many people got close to it – not truly. I was afraid of being hurt or rejected or disappointed. I was afraid of being vulnerable.
When you rely on other people’s opinions to make you feel assured, you’re relying on something that isn’t really yours, and eventually, you’ll get knocked off your pedestal.
What if, married or not, you believed that you are 100% loveable and worthy exactly how you are right now?