Our brains naturally scan for what’s wrong or bad to keep us alive. It’s easier to notice and remember our losses than our wins.
The reason we spin in indecision and don’t take action is because of a feeling, always. It feels a little bit better wallowing in self-pity or procrastinating, than making the decision you need to make and taking action.
Those seemingly insignificant things start to add up; we become more reactive, and eventually, when larger issues are exposed, they feel overwhelming, and we can become stagnant.
Doing hard things makes me more of the person I want to become.
I realized it was my resistance to the feedback causing me pain, not the feedback itself.
We are taught from an early age to go after the A+, and that failure is bad. But what if you let that conditioning go for a moment and allow yourself to believe that failure means you’re on the right track.
Every time you delay a decision, you sacrifice all the time you spend in limbo. You’ll never get that time back.
I used to tell myself that I was BUSY. My brain constantly buzzed with stressed and distracted energy – I didn’t realize how much my mental noise affected my focus.
One of my biggest mental hurdles was believing I could start a business on my own. I worried about failing. I worried about only relying on myself. I wasn’t sure I was good enough.
Often, we're so busy just surviving that we forget to think about our future. We forget to dream about what we genuinely want to create in our lives.